Top tips to manage our domestic budget in efficient way..

Posted on: 08 January 2013Posted by

Addbucket » Money » Top tips to manage our domestic budget in efficient way during recession time

It is a very difficult to maintain our domestic budget during recession period. Middle and lower earning peoples have squeezed from both sides; our cost of living is going up rapidly and in other hand our earnings stopped growing or in some cases it went down or completely stopped because of redundancy. Few of us are already in some kind of debt and day by day getting bigger and bigger. Therefore it is very crucial to adopt such a new system to maintain our home budget, which can allow us to do necessary expenditure but cut down unnecessary one.

Here we will talk about our common monthly expenditure in stapes by stapes.



Grocery is one of the main huge expenditure of our household budget. In addition food and grocery prices are rising very fast day by day. Now we may have to change our purchasing method. Sometime small research about deals and offer can save good amount of money.

Tax and Bills are comes under big expenditure. Hence always try to search best plan for your service provider such as gas, Electricity, phone, broadband, TV and many more. Sometime you are paying quite rate for the same services. So before you buy any service you can compare over the internet and read other people’s reviews about their service.

Mortgages, Loan & Insurance are also one of the large costs of our household budget. Every few years you have to compare your mortgage on the comparison website. Sometime you can come across to even cheaper rate mortgage and you can huge save interest on it.

Once you pay every bill then always try to save money even few coins or few hundreds. Open saving account in your nearest bank or post office and keep depositing your saving every month. You may think that you can’t save big amount with few coins but if you look over the year you will save a big sum of money, which you can spend on your birthday or Christmas shopping.


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